A report of the first Radio Wave interview!

This is the story of Jean Altomare’s interview – the first of our ripples through the airwaves

At 10:30 on Friday morning my phone rang while I was walking into my office building, and I was suddenly being prepped to be live on air. I chose this brief opportunity to inhale the muffin I’d just bought, and settled in to participate in 12,000 watts, volunteer-powered radio goodness. The radio show is called Mid-Coast Currents, and covers a wide variety of both worldly and local news.

The portion of the show that I was on followed the conversation about the 12,000 strong encircling of the White House, and my involvement with 350.org. We talked about the Tar Sands Action, Tim DeChristopher, and what was next for 350, which was my lead-in to Radio Wave. Instantly, thousands of residents of Maine were hearing music that addressed the climate crisis and acknowledged the international, growing movement to save our planet. In addition, those Mainers were all sitting inside, avoiding the cold, while the song called to mind the home of this year’s Conference of the Parties- the exceedingly climate-vulnerable South Africa. Continue reading

We’re off!

Today marks the official start of Radio Wave, and the first ripples are already beginning to be heard around the globe.

Already in the state of Maine, USA, folks from Unity College (who helped lead the charge to get Obama to commit to putting solar panels on the White House) were on WERU discussing the their solar road trip last year, the Tar Sands Action, the global climate movement, along with the new song and its connections to this movement. And later today the wave will be picked up in Indonesia and the Philippines as well, where the song will be heard on Indonesia L Retina FM, GreenRadio FM, and DYRC FM Cebu.

And this is just the beginning.

We’re going to spread these first ripples into a great wave of radio movement across the globe these coming two weeks. In just a matter of days, 350 organizers have signed up to get the song on radio where they live in 38 countries and counting. From New Zealand to Niger, Tonga to Tunisia, Colombia to Cote D’Ivoire — the wave is spreading.

So, if you haven’t joined in yet already, sign up to take our movement to the ‘airwaves’ where you live by clicking here, and then share the song and the resources to your friends all over your country and around the world to have them join in as well.

Off we go!

The call goes out

The following email was sent to 350.org organizers around the world.

Dear friends,

We are taking to the airwaves — together.

Since it began 3 years ago, the 350.org network has developed a reputation for bold grassroots action — action that’s powered by the web and new forms of media. The campaign we’re about to invite you to embark on falls somewhere within that description, but it also reconnects us with two much older forms of media: our voices and the radio.

For two weeks starting on the 21st of November we will unleash a wave of radio broadcasts around the world (we’re calling it “350 Radio Wave”) all on the topic of the climate crisis and the growing movement to solve it. We want the voices of local climate activists — that would be you — to be the stars of these broadcasts.

So why radio, and why now? Actually, this is where my home comes in.

I come from South Africa. It is here in the city of Durban where, in just a couple of weeks, government delegations from around the world will be gathering for the next 17th annual UN climate change summit. It is also on this continent, Africa, that we face the most severe threats from climate change, and those threats are becoming devastating realities for many already. It was drought that triggered the famine in the horn of Africa — but it’s not just drought that we face. With increased floods, sea-level rise, and generally unpredictable seasons, Africa is uniquely threatened. Of the 28 countries countries in the world that the UN lists as most vulnerable to climate change, 22 are in Africa.

So we’re not asking you to get on the radio and talk just about doom and gloom, famine and floods — we’re also inviting you to talk about the creative, beautiful, people-powered movement that we are building together. With countries gathering for the UN climate meetings on the African continent, what better time to raise our voices together using the tools that that matter most here — radio and song.

In preparation for Radio Wave, we’ve collaborated with some of the the most popular and talented musicians in Africa to create a song for the movement. It’s called “People Power”, and it’s about the climate challenges we face and the solutions we’re building in response. With the help of this song, we’ll share the stories of our movement to create a wave of radio broadcasts the world-over — calling for our fellow citizens to join the movement and calling on governments to act.

We have created resources and guides for how to reach out to local radio stations and even some pre-recorded public service announcements (PSAs) and podcasts that you or your local stations can use if helpful too.

As the realities of climate change set in, the world needs your voice now more than it ever has before. We can’t wait to hear it.


Samantha and the 350.org team